It is light at the begining and it gets darker, this shows that something bad is going to happen. When the man is stood at the door there is a loud noise to show significance to him.
Thriller Codes and Conventions
Question and Answere model, where is the child, who is the man at the door and window.
Maze and lybrithns, thinks she can find him but when she looks into a new space he isnt there. Partical vison at the window, we used a mesh window so you couldnt see the features of the man at the door, this is to keep the audience wondering who is there.
Camera work
establishing shot of the house this is to show that it is a nice quite normal area
Mid long shot of the living room,
extreme close up of her counting
match on action when she grabs the handle. to give anticipation on to whats inside
Match on action on the boys feet when he runs past.
Shots from outside to show that someone might be there.
a shot from in the cupboard looking out when she opens the door, this is to let the audience think that he is in there whe he really is not. This plays on the answer and question model.
Mise en Scene
Mother and son wearing normal clothes. Quiet neighbourghhood. clean house, normal typical house, shows she is a normal typical mother. Mother is a big charcter because she is in alot of the opening scene.
Digetic sound of her counting, walking around.
non digetic sound of the backing sound.
When you see the shadow at the window, the is a loud sound to show that this is linked to the plot of the prodcution.
the way all the shots run smoothly thourghout the production. this was done well becuase we had filmed the shots 3 times each to pick a good one.
Title: Ready or Not red and shakey with a black back ground
asking a retorical question, to make the audience ask questions about the film
Single mother, more vunerbale without a farther.
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