Narrative Structure :
When the camera cuts from Somerset to murder scene, it instantly relates them.
Thriller Codes and Conventions:
Heroic Romance- Somerset looking very ordinary in first scene.
Transformed City- constant city background noise.
Camera work:
Somerset centre of focus- walks around the edge and when he is laying in bed, you can see the door frame as if someone is looking in on him or watching him. Over the shoulder shot when he is tying his tie it shows his face. Body all in the shot, see everything camera moving upwards is ped shot.
Framed in a certain way so another hero could be introduced.
Opening title - focus' on variety of objects and pictures.
Mise-en-scene:Costume/makeup, setting , lighting, props.
Somerset is the first charcter shown, we associated him as a main character.
boring colour, mostly white.
Neatly organized props on dressing table this shows his personality is clean cut, organized, dark gloomy, low key lighting creating the mood.
Blocking where a charater stands shows something might be behind them
New character introduced bigger on screen becuase of the framing
cars- digetic sounds of the city trafic sirens- constant throught scenes this shows a transformed city. Being introduced to the main characters, introducing themselves to each other.
Opening scene- creepy music .
Cut from Somerset to murder scene this is relating somerset to the murder.
Cuts to black- signify end of sequence
all very dull colours.
disolve two pictures merged together
red- danger, blood.
Narrative Structure
Shark attack on the beach.
Thriller Codes and Conventions
Tension music, expects something to happen and dosnt
Consealment & Protraction - dont see the shark but knows it is there.
Transformed City - turned into something extraordinary.
Camrea Work Worm view under water to show there is a shark
Crab to right on campfire - stops on boy then the girl, shot reverse shot making connection.
Shot to establish that it is the beach
extreme long shot of the ocean - Chrisse is only taking up a small about.Shark point of view getting closer creating suspense.
Water,campfire .
Underwater- low key lighting auto tension
Warm orangy yellow colours.
Woman are vunerable- stripping off her clothes is a metephor to stripping of her protection.
Fence are like bones, bite marks in them.
Drunk boys are useless, no one to protection.
One in the sea one on the shore.
Shows Chrissie has gone without a trace.
Killer shark is still free.
Theme sound- starts of very slow then the tempo ups. Guitar.
When shark is near tension music.
Very begining- submarine soundish.
Minor keys to cause tension, mimicing a heart beat, Faster when shark is near.
the music stops dead which is associated with the shark. Non Diagetic to Diagetic oposit cheerful music.
When the bell rings its like the funeral bell.
White on black background. Capitals, very plain.
Silence of the Lambs
Narative Structure
Department dealing with behaviour, very offical.
Thriller Codes and Conventions
remote on its own
Mazes & Ladbryths - through the forest, long shot from behind
Words on threes - hurt agony pain
Camrea Work
Match on action on feet when she runs Trees making a tunnel to focus our attention
Crab left establishing shot of the buliding, zoom into window, where the action is taking place.
Looks slighty off camrea slow zoom. Mise-En-Scene.
running an assault course.
FBI tranning , man with the hat.
Woods in the winter mountains mist fog, low key light
Guns set the scene still running important - high fives girls sticking together.
challenges ideas about sterotype
looks small , male are over powering all in red, she is in blue, dosnt fit in with males.
Department dealing with behaviour.
in a male dominated are.
Opening- mystery magical.
Suspense building when she runs. Birds squarking.
Digetic - heavy breathing
Creates tenion in office
Woods near quantico, isolcated woods.
black stands out
credits slightly stand out.
Narrative Structure
Someone taken a wallet , 'JR'
Florida - ID fish crates ID is an old man
Picutre of daughter in wallet.
Sinthea tells people why she isnt there. Grandmother has died
Red Eye - last place home, tirering least buyist. Travelling to miami
Triller Codes & Conventions Heroic romance -Lisa
Concealment of wallet
questions and answere model with create
transformed city
Camrea Work
Contenuity man exists on left wallet gets stolen from right
zoom in on waller zoom on JR on wallet.
Establishing shot of hotel
Moved in on villans eyes.
see main character young honers and graduation inteligent.
Sporty side whos ever person is , they are very proud
Something kidden inside the fish and ice.
Pictures of bulidings
Fish not travelled far.
High stess job security is invloved Hetic lift of lisa - good at making situations
reference to security identity to lisa and dad with wallet, house is been decorated.
Knows wallet is missing important Do anything for her dosnt want to lose her
introduced to a character old lady, angry man, lisa handsome man wants to protect women.
Criminal uneasy music tensiony ticking beat deep building suspense. Plane taking it - non diagetic building up and disperse. plance taking off non diagetic.
Building up and disperse trail of sound. Suspense music buliding up, building up pace.
Black background - white text getting smaller lika a plane down a runway.
Red Eye- colour red, bulky, capitals, red- danger anger .
Cutting technique
Cross cutting
Watch Men
Man sat in his flat,
another man kicks the door down and seems to be angry and wants to kill the man whos flat it it
Thriller Codes and Conventions
Conelement and Protraction of the killer.
Camrea Work
Zoom in on televison
in the hall way, zooms in on the door and gives the impression that someone is walking down the hall .
Zoom in on the mans face then zooms into the gun instantly linking them
Close up on the knives
Makes a clear connection to the badge.
Man on the moon on the televison.
flicking through differnt TV programms
Man looks at the shadow of the feet under the doorKicks door down.
SoundRelaxing, the song unforgetable.
The music is still playing when they are fighting
Everything turns into slow motion when he kicks the door down.
everytime the man gets hit it goes in slow motion
slow when he is flying through the air
blood slowly splashes onto the badge
Low key lighting to give suspense
Narative structure
Thriller Codes and Conventions
The Exotic the item in his back pocket
The answere and question model, you dont know where he is, why he is there.
Camrea Work
Cuts to the sea, high shot of him on the beach
worm view of man who finds him
Set on beach
man laying on beach, asleep or knocked out.
Man walks up to him, and prodes him with a stick
lifts up his top to find the item in his back pocket.
tension, getting faster and louder water crashing against the rocks
when he sees the item the tension becoms more and quicker. ....................................................................................................................................................................
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